COVID Management

Our project plans come with built in Covid contingencies. Even in periods of no restrictions, you have a plan if challenges arise.

Our Covid management approach gives you as much certainty over your projects as you can have in uncertain times.

What happens if my project is affected by a Covid lockdown?

Clarity and communication is vital in all projects. In any Covid alert level change, we’ll work with you to prioritise a thorough assessment of your upcoming planned work and find the best way forward. That includes if you can continue as normal, or if changes to your plan are needed.

Any changes to planned works are made in consultation with you, in line with your priorities and government safety requirements.

We’ll re-evaluate the critical path for your planned work, prioritising essential tasks that are possible in lockdown and rescheduling non-essential work. This allows your project to continue as much as possible during periods of restrictions.

Non-essential planned and corrective maintenance jobs can be rescheduled to manage your headcount according to lockdown requirements. This includes reallocating maintenance resources to focus on the most important jobs and for given time frames.

We’ll conduct facility assessments to ensure distancing and per person requirements are adhered to on site.

How do alert level changes impact on risks on site?

We’re working for you, which means our contractors are covered under your risk analysis. Alert level changes don’t affect our own risk in terms of the work contractors carry out.

How will Jam Solutions manage my project during lockdowns?

If your business is deemed essential, Jam Solutions contractors will remain onsite as and when required.

Contractors follow your Covid safety plan in line with government requirements.

How will we keep contractors safe?

All contractors travel to and from your site separately, and remain in independent bubbles.

A client liaison will relay any concerns contractors have about working on site.

Expectations will be clearly established to ensure you, us and our contractors all understand and agree with the approach to planned works.

We’ll conduct daily check-ins with contractors to ensure their mental health is taken care of.

How will we keep our own people safe?

We have strict expectations for contractors on your site, including:

Requiring contractors to adhere to alert level regulations, both inside and outside the workplace.

Ensuring contractors understand Covid symptoms, are tested immediately if they have any symptom, and do not work onsite if they feel unwell.

Contractors are encouraged to check in with any locations of interest and self-isolate immediately if there is any risk of having been exposed to Covid.

We will prioritise working with fully vaccinated contractors wherever possible.

69A Devon St East,

New Plymouth, Taranaki
021 899 514